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During the early 1990s,  I spent a year or so working almost exclusively in watercolor.   At the time,  it was a quick medium and I had the wherewithal to produce the paintings rather quickly, sometimes on commission, sometimes on no more than a whim.   I produced over thirty paintings from this period,  of which I chose these as examples.....

"The Shelter"

The title of this piece is "Before The Storm".  The scene is taken from a little picnic table and rest area on Flagler Beach, Florida during 1991. 
The companion piece is titled "After The Storm",  taken from the same spot on Flagler Beach.  Notice that the roof was blown away by the storm, leaving only the remains of the hull of the boat.  This has become a favorite spot to sit and watch the ocean. 
This scene was also painted after the storm,  but the little travel trailer had been sitting there decaying for many years.  This area used to be a nice beach resort,  but nowadays a new condominium project sits where this trailer stood. 
This is a another little rest spot on Flagler Beach.  I used to drive by this every day and decided to preserve it in watercolor.
This piece is titled The Lodge. This is an old surfing lodge located at the tip of Mantazas Inlet south of St. Augustine Florida.  Surfers used to hang out here during surfing season.   I always felt this composition had a touch of Andrew Wyeth in it.  I've painted this building probably ten different ways through the years.  This was a fun little spot and I have a lot of great memories from there.
This scene is taken from the Mellon Mansion, which is located just north of the lodge.  The little blue boat has been sitting there in the water for perhaps fifteen years.  The moss and paint had peeled off the building,  which has recently undergone a restoration.   This is located at the Mantazas Inlet Bridge near Crescent Beach, Florida.
This is a little deserted cracker house located in Hastings, Florida,  an agricultural area west of St. Augustine.  Nobody lives in this house, but I put smoke coming out of chimney just for fun.  This house had rather a haunted nature,  and I did the painting for a friend who was fascinated by it. 
This is the Palm Coast residence of an attorney,  who commissioned the painting.  The house faces the Intercoastal Waterway.
This is a watercolor of eucalyptus trees in Oxnard, California,  also painted during the early '90s during a vacation trip out west.  The wintery weather during the middle of summer captured my imagination. 

Just one little window on the side of a weather beaten building near the Atlantic ocean.

When I was ten years old and growing up on the island of Aruba,   I used to go to Rogers Beach and watch the lobster fishermen bring in their catch.  Sometimes the boats came in completely empty....nobody on board......
Amelia Island Lighthouse

This lighthouse is now a bed and breakfast near Jacksonville, Florida.  It is a wonderful place to enjoy a honeymoon.

"Cedar Key Boat Wreck"

Legend has it that this old scow was left abandoned after it had been used by pot smugglers....

"A Good Education"

This composition, done many years ago, needs no explanation......

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